by Tom P.

The spring 2022 legislative session has wrapped up. Kentuckians are beginning to wake up from an endless nightmare. Finally, the horrors of the past two years are beginning to fade away. After a long wait, are Kentuckians waking up to the blissful pre-pandemic world? Are the career politicians providing a blissful smoke screen meanwhile playing with liberty? Frankfort would like you to believe the former. They toy with personal freedoms like pawns on a chessboard. There is no regard for the desires of Kentuckians. The supermajority is continually blocking, passing, and manipulating bills. The General Assembly wages war on personal liberties.

During the spring session, the RINOs gambled with the livelihoods of Kentuckians. Many legislators sat at the capitol. They suggested a pay increase for future legislators. Then, these RINOs prematurely stopped bills that would benefit the everyday Kentuckian. Proposed House Bill 337 would have limited the overreach of the governor. Career politicians stopped it in committee. House Bill 304, proposing to reduce tax on vehicles, never found a committee. A bill that met the same fate was House Bill 779. House Bill 779 is a bill that should have had attention. If passed, it worked on banning the use of social credit scores. Kentucky RINOs live for overreach, power, and corruption. They like to ensure their pockets stay lined. Are legislators working for Kentucky, the people, or Kentucky, the big government?

Kentucky legislators not only toy with the economy, but they make decisions that negatively impact Kentucky children. Several bills halted soon after their introduction. House Bill 257 and Senate Bill 34 would allow children to play on public school teams and participate in clubs, regardless of school choice. Why should only some children be privy to those resources? House Bill 14 blocked gender identification education requirements in public schools. Why should parents not be able to choose what is appropriate for their children? House Bill 51 is yet another one of these bills. This bill would ensure that a parent retains the ability to decide for their child. If a school introduced a school-wide mandate for any device or treatment, the parent could make their own choice. The Senate’s Health and Welfare Committee killed the bill. House Bill 517, on school attendance, passed. This bill contained an unrelated amendment with much of the same language as House bill 51. This bill can provide hope for liberty-minded Kentuckians. This use of backdoor politics is a direct contradiction to the Kentucky Constitution. By principle, parents should have the right to decide what is best for their children.

Liberty-minded Kentuckians do have some hope. There were several pieces of legislation introduced in the medical arena. The issue is that most died tragic deaths. Two of these bills were House Bill 28 and Senate Bill 93. Both stopped vaccination discrimination in the workplace. They also required employers to offer and abide by religious and conscientious objections. House Bill 28 would go further. It helped combat the use of vaccination disclosure to enter a premise. It did not receive a fair hearing when it came to the committee. The committee leader only permitted nay-sayers to speak, even with a slew of advocates in the wings. In committee, Senate Bill 93 had an unrelated smoking ban amendment attached. This amendment effectively split the vote and killed the bill. Again, this legislative scheming actively defies the Kentucky Constitution. The RINOs need to hand medical choices back to each person. They need to stop playing games in Frankfort.

Frankfort has waged war on personal freedoms long enough. The supermajority of RINOs actively makes choices to keep the state government strong and the people’s eyes closed. Fellow Kentuckians, do not become confused by the smoke and mirrors routine. The bills mentioned above are barely the tip of the iceberg when scouring the deeds of our RINO legislators. Kentucky, shows support for liberty-minded candidates. Dissolve the power of the disillusioned RINOs and DINOs. Stop supporting career politicians who are only there to play the game. Support principles. Support liberty. Support the Constitution. Are you awake, Kentucky?

Works Cited
Kentucky Commision. (2022). 22RS Legislative Record. Kentucky General Assembly. Retrieved 14 April 2022, from

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