Who's That Candidate News and Opinion https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/ Sat, 28 Dec 2024 16:46:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 213821290 The New Culture War https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/the-new-culture-war/ https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/the-new-culture-war/#respond Sat, 28 Dec 2024 16:46:41 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1252 The New Culture War ©️Patrick Peterson, Ph.D. Dec 28, 2024 The historian Yuval Noah Harari has written a thought-provoking book called “Sapiens” which makes certain...

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The New Culture War

©️Patrick Peterson, Ph.D.

Dec 28, 2024

The historian Yuval Noah Harari has written a thought-provoking book called “Sapiens” which makes certain assumptions about the early history of humanity as a biological species. The central defining feature of our species Sapiens, says Harari, is that we are not only capable of inventing and believing fiction, but that the entire life and history of Sapiens is based on fiction.

Now Harari himself used the word fiction, so that’s not my read. That’s how he describes the human animal. Others might have followed a similar train of thought and used the word “imagination,” but Yuval specifically emphasizes fiction.

Harari’s larger point is that during the several tens of thousands of years that humanity has been fruitful and multiplying, our life, culture, and history revolve entirely around our ability to believe falsehoods, and to be even quite passionate and committed to falsehoods. But this remarkable characteristic somehow abruptly changes when Sapiens discovers science and technology, and therefore becomes capable of transitioning into Sapiens 2.0, or what Harari honors with the name “Homo Deus” as the title of Harari’s follow-up book. The phrase “Homo Deus” translates from Latin into English as something close to “Man God,” or “Human God.”

There are numerous holes in Harari’s imaginative history, but one does get the feeling that if all human belief is fiction, then why not just invent a clever narrative story around that? It’s all fiction anyway, so Yuval’s own fiction must be as good as the next person’s faith-fantasy. But Harari wants to assert that science and technology represent real truth, despite his foundational belief that every little old Sapiens is trapped in a pure fantasy world of fictional beliefs. He side-steps all of this, as the ultimate goal of Harari’s particular fantasy-truth is to envision the next step for humanity, the “Man God,” as thoroughly distinct from Sapiens. And so for Yuval there is no logical contradiction to say that Sapiens the species relies solely on fiction while the new Man God relies only on the truth of science and technology.

This might have remained a quirky infotainment side topic to mull over with your morning coffee. But Harari’s views just happened to fit in nicely with a number of political trends that have swept over us in recent years. Yuval became the favorite in-house guru for the World Economic Forum, the trendy club for billionaires, megalomaniacs, and cognitively deficient yet ambitious politicians. Sapiens (the book) is of course thoroughly atheist, in total acceptance of biology as a form of physics without a Creator. It’s amazing how atheists (at least the megalomaniacal atheists) are inevitably drawn though to grandiose dreams about a future trans-human Homo Deus. No matter how much they reject belief in God, they inevitably pursue re-creating God in some other way. Traces of Homo Deus fantasies can be found in much of our recent history, including the covid-19 episode, the ensuing government abuses of power, the dubious vaccines, and above all the endless gaslighting from government and mainstream media. When everything is fiction anyway, why can’t the President of the United States be a senile puppet? Why not even install the puppet President with a fraudulent election? While we are at it, let’s label certain kinds of vandalism and looting an expression of justice. Choose your pronouns, and above all become “unburdened by what has been” (Kamala Harris campaign slogan). Reality is after all whatever the Man God declares reality to be. Or so the new illogic appears to go, driven by this strange new culture war to convince us that fact is fiction and the preferred fiction a new kind of truth.

Whether intentional or not, Harari’s narrative defines this new culture war. It is not about conservatives versus liberals, and not even strictly theism versus atheism. This new culture war pits tradition versus trans-humanism. Reality and objective history go head-to-head against a rewriting of history, or at least a reinterpretation of it. In public discourse, it’s discovering the truth versus inventing the truth. While Donald Trump’s election in November 2024 represents a battle won by the realists, the war is far from over. Democrats and RINOs will no doubt reinvent themselves (what else?) in further homage to Homo Deus.

Perhaps surprisingly, there are parallel themes of this culture war found in theological history. The medieval theologian Scotus held that morality comes from God’s will and that everything in reality is in a sense the arbitrary choice of God, whether intelligible to us or not. Scotus thought of God as essentially will and power. While the followers of Homo Deus are not strictly theists, they parallel this thought in accepting the concept that will and choice define what is true. A contrasting theological view comes from Thomas Aquinas, who emphasized the Logos, or “Word of God” as a logical organizing principle of God’s being. Ironically for Harari, it is Aquinas’ view of God as intelligible, adopted by the Roman Catholic Church, that led to the rise and development of scientific thought in Europe. In this European Catholic tradition there is no contradiction between belief in God and the effort to better understand nature and reality through science. God is intelligible and his creation is intelligible.

I write these words just days before we enter the year 2025. It is remarkable that humanity is still in the throes of these ancient debates, over what is real and what is fictitious, and over just how far can or should humanity go in the pursuit of god-like powers and roles. But whatever the true nature of reality, I am confident we cannot just arbitrarily choose whatever reality we fantasize. Some things will remain impossible; some things will remain as bad choices, even if possible; and some truths will be worth fighting for and upholding, whatever opposition they face.

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Yes, it’s about the kids https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/yes-its-about-the-kids/ Mon, 06 Nov 2023 00:39:19 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1212 Replay of the videos from the event on October 28, 2023 in Mt Sterling. First session, Jon Schrock. Second session, Dr Pesta part one. Third...

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Replay of the videos from the event on October 28, 2023 in Mt Sterling.

First session, Jon Schrock.

Second session, Dr Pesta part one.

Third session, Dr Pesta part two.

Final session, Brother Greg and Q&A session.

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Voices for Liberty video https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/voices-for-liberty-video/ Tue, 30 May 2023 00:57:23 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1201 Here is a replay of the event Voices for Liberty that was held Saturday, May 27, 2023, in Lexington, Kentucky. Direct link: https://rumble.com/v2qmsw4-voices-for-liberty-replay.html

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Here is a replay of the event Voices for Liberty that was held Saturday, May 27, 2023, in Lexington, Kentucky. Direct link: https://rumble.com/v2qmsw4-voices-for-liberty-replay.html

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KET Provides Soviet-Style “Propaganda Night” for Incumbent Secretary of State Michael Adams https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/ket-provides-soviet-style-propaganda-night-for-incumbent-secretary-of-state-michael-adams/ Tue, 09 May 2023 04:46:34 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1193 On Monday, May 8, 2023, just 8 days from the primary election, Kentucky’s public television network KET put on a Soviet-style primetime softball interview of...

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On Monday, May 8, 2023, just 8 days from the primary election, Kentucky’s public television network KET put on a Soviet-style primetime softball interview of the incumbent Secretary of State Michael Adams. Most likely at Adams’ request, no debate invitation was offered to the other candidates running against Adams in the Republican primary. KET thus effectively functioned for the night as part of Adams’ re-election team, providing a free platform for Adams and creating the illusion that Adams actually has no credible opposition. Why is KET bending over backwards to support Adams’ re-election? We can only speculate, but the behavior of KET conjures echoes of old Soviet-era state-run media helping to run sham elections for apparatchiks in the old USSR. Curiously Adams fits the part rather well – a mostly unlikeable bureaucrat who has made no other effort to actually campaign or reach out to Kentucky voters at all. And like the old Soviet politburo, Adams seems smugly confident of his re-election, perhaps because it’s already rigged in his favor? We can only speculate, but if KET is comfortable playing the role of a state-run propaganda tool, we wonder just how far down the Soviet-style path Kentucky’s government and media have already traveled.

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Re-establishing Liberty and Integrity in Kentucky https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/re-establishing-liberty-and-integrity-in-kentucky/ Wed, 03 May 2023 20:39:20 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1182 “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” – Benjamin Franklin As...

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“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” – Benjamin Franklin

As we start a new month here in Kentucky, with an eye toward the 2023 statewide primary elections May 16, we are reminded that the major party bosses do not prioritize the most natural and humane concerns of our era, that of the need for re-establishing a covenant of liberty, honesty, and integrity between God, government, and society. As outlined in my earlier articles, our nation is mired in a cesspool of public dishonesty, whereby gaslighting is government’s primary tool, and corporate-government “partnerships” replace the free market with fascist attempts to manipulate your every thought, want, and need. Nowhere was the new fascism better illustrated than with the April 24 “cancellation” of Tucker Carlson from Fox News. It doesn’t matter that Carlson’s dismissal was an incredibly bad business decision, or that the move showed enormous contempt of their customer base. No, what matters is maintaining the corporate uni-media in lockstep with the Federal uni-party government, continuing to censor the important topics or our era and to suppress what is most natural and humane in America.

As Carlson stated April 26, “the undeniably big topics – the ones that will define our future – get virtually no (public) discussion at all: war, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, natural resources.” He added further that “both political parties and their donors have reached consensus on what benefits them, and they actively collude to shut down any conversation…” That is, they collude to shut down public discussion about what is natural, humane, and important to you.

The Who’s That Candidate project aims to offer an alternative course that rejects the fascism, tribalism, and transhumanism promoted by the new fascism of the Democrats and RINOs. The course we advocate aims to re-establish liberty and integrity as the defining relationship between government and society. Our policy pillars outline how integrity must be the foundation for governance, how a sensible and empowering approach to education is necessary, and how a more fair and limited set of tax laws must reign in governmental power. Together, the pillars can guide us on getting government permanently out of the business of corrupt partnerships with big corporations, stopping the outsourcing of our elections, and introducing real transparency and accountability to Kentucky government. Securing a broadly interpreted set of individual rights must always be the first and only priority of government, and our pillars provide a roadmap for how to do exactly that under both the US and Kentucky Constitutions.

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March 11th Who’s That Candidate presentation https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/march-11th-whos-that-candidate-presentation/ Tue, 18 Apr 2023 00:58:19 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1178 The post March 11th Who’s That Candidate presentation appeared first on Who's That Candidate News and Opinion.


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A Discussion of Election Integrity Issues, with Steve Knipper. https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/a-discussion-of-election-integrity-issues-with-steve-knipper/ Fri, 17 Mar 2023 11:37:00 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1157 The post A Discussion of Election Integrity Issues, with Steve Knipper. appeared first on Who's That Candidate News and Opinion.


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Interview with Clyde Zoph https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/interview-with-clyde-zoph/ Mon, 06 Mar 2023 17:11:26 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1151 A one-on-one with Clyde Zoph, founder and chairman of Who’s That Candidate. Alternate video link https://rumble.com/v2cjsg8-interview-with-clyde-zoph.html

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A one-on-one with Clyde Zoph, founder and chairman of Who’s That Candidate. Alternate video link https://rumble.com/v2cjsg8-interview-with-clyde-zoph.html

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Don’t feed the RINOs https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/dont-feed-the-rinos/ Sun, 19 Feb 2023 23:52:27 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1147 The post Don’t feed the RINOs appeared first on Who's That Candidate News and Opinion.


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Pfizer Gives Republican Party of Kentucky $1,000,000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/pfizer-gives-republican-party-of-kentucky-1000000/ Sun, 05 Feb 2023 07:26:31 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1140 As reported by the Kentucky Lantern, in December 2022 the controversial drugmaker Pfizer gave the Republican Party of Kentucky (RPK) $1,000,000. While corporate donations direct...

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As reported by the Kentucky Lantern, in December 2022 the controversial drugmaker Pfizer gave the Republican Party of Kentucky (RPK) $1,000,000. While corporate donations direct to a party’s executive committee are against the law in Kentucky, a loophole allows for unlimited donations to a party’s “building fund.” An additional $650,000 from other big corporate donors also found its way into the RPK building fund in late 2022. While ostensibly the huge purse may be used to support an expansion of the RPK’s Mitch McConnell Center in Frankfort, it is currently unclear whether an expansion requiring anywhere near $1.65 million will occur.

Pfizer has a history of corporate malfeasance, including a 2009 settlement with the US Department of Justice where Pfizer agreed to pay $2.3 billion in fines to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products. At the time, this was the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice. In 2013, Pfizer agreed to pay $55 million to settle illegal marketing claims; and in 2016, Pfizer paid $784 million associated with the drug Protonix.

More recently, Pfizer is known for its mRNA covid-19 vaccine. Under the PREP Act, Pfizer enjoys a near total immunity from any liability associated with their vaccine. It’s unclear what motivations prompted this recent large donation by Pfizer to RPK, or to what extent such generosity might influence RPK politics and policies.

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