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“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” – Benjamin Franklin

As we start a new month here in Kentucky, with an eye toward the 2023 statewide primary elections May 16, we are reminded that the major party bosses do not prioritize the most natural and humane concerns of our era, that of the need for re-establishing a covenant of liberty, honesty, and integrity between God, government, and society. As outlined in my earlier articles, our nation is mired in a cesspool of public dishonesty, whereby gaslighting is government’s primary tool, and corporate-government “partnerships” replace the free market with fascist attempts to manipulate your every thought, want, and need. Nowhere was the new fascism better illustrated than with the April 24 “cancellation” of Tucker Carlson from Fox News. It doesn’t matter that Carlson’s dismissal was an incredibly bad business decision, or that the move showed enormous contempt of their customer base. No, what matters is maintaining the corporate uni-media in lockstep with the Federal uni-party government, continuing to censor the important topics or our era and to suppress what is most natural and humane in America.

As Carlson stated April 26, “the undeniably big topics – the ones that will define our future – get virtually no (public) discussion at all: war, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, natural resources.” He added further that “both political parties and their donors have reached consensus on what benefits them, and they actively collude to shut down any conversation…” That is, they collude to shut down public discussion about what is natural, humane, and important to you.

The Who’s That Candidate project aims to offer an alternative course that rejects the fascism, tribalism, and transhumanism promoted by the new fascism of the Democrats and RINOs. The course we advocate aims to re-establish liberty and integrity as the defining relationship between government and society. Our policy pillars outline how integrity must be the foundation for governance, how a sensible and empowering approach to education is necessary, and how a more fair and limited set of tax laws must reign in governmental power. Together, the pillars can guide us on getting government permanently out of the business of corrupt partnerships with big corporations, stopping the outsourcing of our elections, and introducing real transparency and accountability to Kentucky government. Securing a broadly interpreted set of individual rights must always be the first and only priority of government, and our pillars provide a roadmap for how to do exactly that under both the US and Kentucky Constitutions.

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If the American Republic is to Survive and Flourish, Part 3 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/if-the-american-republic-is-to-survive-and-flourish-part-3/ Sun, 29 Jan 2023 20:15:05 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1123 Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. To say that any people are not...

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Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.

To say that any people are not fit for freedom, is to make poverty their choice, and to say they had rather be loaded with taxes than not.

– Thomas Paine

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series of articles, I started to outline how republican virtue in the United States is being eaten away by a corrupt governance, driven to act out the unnatural ideological fantasies of the Democratic Party, their power-hungry globalist partners, and an entrenched unchecked bureaucracy.  “Republican in name only” sycophants desperately cry “me too” in their eagerness to get their own sip from the Federal trough.  

A republic requires free and fair elections of virtuous leaders, who understand that the role of government is to secure individual rights, not to maximize power and control over individuals.  Government is not a tool for coercing and superimposing a fantasized notion of “social justice,” where “diversity, equity, and inclusion” within and between groups supersedes and suppresses the equality of individuals.  It is both ironic and horrific that a nation founded by immigrants, who came to the new world aiming to throw off the burdensome old-world yokes of class, heredity, and any other “group identity,” is becoming a nation that doesn’t recognize individuals within their mass group identities of class, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.  Joe Biden’s January 2023 “Declaration of North America” is a recent pathetic example of the US “taking a knee” in order to pay homage to historically bad ideas in every way contrary to the US Constitution.   

You can’t stop a shipwreck by shuffling the deck chairs, but that logic hasn’t sunk in yet for the American political left.  They are still sailing the same ship of class and race oppression, trying to politically and intellectually win a war on the same terms as defined by slave masters, Nazis, and communists.  That ship crashed and sank many years ago, but unimaginative “progressive” politicians still believe human rights abuses are best solved by promising to commit more human rights abuses.  Two wrongs never make a right, and we will never achieve a more just society discriminating against human beings as if they are primarily members of tribes or groups.  The Democratic Party repeats this same mistake ad nauseum, with remarkably resilient consistency across the entire Democratic Party agenda.  The inherently dehumanizing nature of this leftist ideology has inflicted serious wounds while spreading like cancer across a psychologically dysfunctional nation on the brink of catastrophic collapse.  

But our future is not yet lost.  Executive orders by Presidents or Governors are not laws.  Attempts to gaslight us into false interpretations of existing laws are short-term tactics intended to confuse and delay the course of justice.  When Kentucky Governor Andrew Beshear banned community church services in 2020, it was a spurious power grab guaranteed to be rejected by the courts as unconstitutional.  When Kentucky Secretary of State Michael Adams obstructed lawful efforts for paper-ballot primary recounts in the summer of 2022, it had zero legal merit and was guaranteed to be rejected by the courts as unconstitutional.  That Beshear and Adams engaged in such low-life political maneuvers to circumvent unambiguous law, only served to reveal their true characters as corrupt, bought political cronies working for unacknowledged, illegitimate masters.    

And thus in Kentucky we have the two political parties of Beshear and Adams, equally corrupt and owned by external masters, totally indifferent to the people of the commonwealth.  Until we take one or both parties back, they will continue to undermine laws and bear false witness against their own citizenry, our traditions and our laws.   Political renewal must necessarily arise amidst this national and state spiritual sickness, with spiritual renewal the harbinger of a new political re-awakening.  A key first step is realization that we can’t keep playing the same rigged game.  An honest, decent citizen decides to run for elected office, but both parties react only in terms of whether they need to protect the incumbent or whether they can control and manipulate the new candidate.  Like the leftist playbook, the individuality, humanity, and ingenuity of any new entry into the political fray is ignored and suppressed by both political parties.  Party leaders abhor new ideas, creativity, and innovation, and most of all they abhor true democracy, limited self-government, and liberty for the people. When only a few new candidates run for office, the major political parties will either co-opt them or crush them with their superior funding and/or superior means of rigging and cheating elections.  The “Who’s That Candidate” project offers an alternative to the same-old corrupt, business as usual contempt of you (the voters of Kentucky). 

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If the American Republic is to Survive and Flourish, Part 2 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/if-the-american-republic-is-to-survive-and-flourish-part-2-2/ Wed, 18 Jan 2023 14:55:40 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1091 by Patrick Peterson, PhD “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever...

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by Patrick Peterson, PhD

“As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference, is no democracy.”
– Abraham Lincoln

In part 1 of this series of articles, I focused on how core, traditional values of the USA are currently under assault from unnatural ideas and globalist (anti-American) ambitions. The Democratic Party in the USA has fully embraced globalist and trans-humanist ideas, including normalizing the physically and psychologically destructive goals of transgenderism, accepting the debasement and subjugation of human nature to the glorification of fantasized notions of technology, while simultaneously exploiting and manipulating historically much-discredited notions of racial differences.

The very concept of “race” (or the need for race-based government policies) was an historically false concept exploited by Nazi Germany as a means of rallying one subset of society against another: Ethnic Jews and many non-Germans (especially dark-skinned foreigners) were falsely targeted as threats without rights. Despite the great irony of these racial concepts having no scientifically biological legitimacy, and despite the concept’s long history of being falsely used to abuse human rights, today’s US Democratic Party routinely “plays the race card” as a means of both attacking political opposition and subjugating a substantial percentage of the American citizenry into “racial subgroups” that Democrats treat as inherently inferior “special needs” subpopulations. We absolutely and categorically reject and stand against these false racist concepts, we uphold the dignity and inherent equality of all human beings, and deplore the Democratic Party’s ongoing policies of disinformation and gaslighting aimed at continued attempts to divide the citizenry along racial lines.

If the American Republic is to survive and flourish, this antiquated notion of “race” needs to be properly recognized as a false historical concept used primarily to abuse human rights. Yet critical race theorists (CRT) have built a dubious intellectual foundation around the false premise that race is actually a real thing, and that magically, this primary historical tool for oppression (claiming there are meaningful racial differences inherent to human beings) can somehow be transformed into a tool for utopic social justice. It’s worse than an intellectual or ideological mistake; it’s a path for continued abuse of human rights and ultimately civilizational destruction.

Both the US Federal government and locally based idealogues are pushing for critical race theory (CRT) to be taught in Kentucky grade schools and high schools. We consider CRT to be unacceptable and antagonist to the basic principle that all human beings are equal under God. True Republicans will not allow this to become a part of standardized public education in Kentucky.

True Republicans will not support anti-American ideological disinformation and gaslighting that is currently rampant on a national level. For the Kentucky Republican Party, we need strong patriots who will stand firmly for the US Constitution against the Democratic Party and against the pseudo-Republicans and globalist enemies of human rights.

The “Who’s That Candidate” project is based upon a core pillar of Integrity that inherently opposes destructive ideologies of the Democratic Party and their globalist allies. More importantly, this initiative aims to put the “Republic” back into “Republican” by promoting the liberty-based issues that will lead 2024 Kentucky Republican Primary voters to support real Republican candidates for the Kentucky legislature. We support those issues and policies that are consistent with creating a new legislature that will genuinely work on behalf of the great citizenry of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

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The Kentucky Republican Party Takes Aim at Itself https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/the-kentucky-republican-party-takes-aim-at-itself/ Sun, 01 Jan 2023 11:23:50 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1083 by Patrick M. Peterson, Ph.D. To kick off the new 2023 legislative session, we might expect the Republican “super-majority” to focus on core bread-and-butter Kentucky...

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by Patrick M. Peterson, Ph.D.

To kick off the new 2023 legislative session, we might expect the Republican “super-majority” to focus on core bread-and-butter Kentucky Republican issues. We’d all likely unify around lowering taxes, relieving some regulatory burdens on small businesses, or disentangling our schools from onerous ideologies. Many voters are concerned about election integrity, which is an obvious problem given that Kentuckians have voted 60% to 80% Republican in the legislature and national elections while (amazingly!) voted for an autocratic Democrat to be Governor. Our national federal government faces a crisis of credibility and legitimacy, yet the Kentucky Republican leadership seems most eager to run, lie, distract, or deflect from that issue as if their livelihood depended upon maintaining a sloppy, insecure, and highly suspect system of elections (perhaps it does).

But instead of actually working to address the concerns of their Republican constituency, a very few small-minded people (Senate Republican Floor Leader Damon Thayer, Senate President Robert Stivers, and Speaker of the House David Osborne) seem most concerned that the party is too big or too strong, or at least that they are struggling to control and impose their will upon their own caucus. So enter front-and-center Tuesday, January 3 (the opening day of the 2023 General Assembly) the legislature is scheduled to address an issue (not) of earth-shattering importance to Republicans in Kentucky: changing the Senate rules to make it easier to kick Republicans out of the Republican caucus. Obvious criticisms come to mind first. Are the leaders too bored with a lack of opposition and therefore need to create new opposition legislators? Or is the fact that the voting public is so intelligent (as to largely remove the globalist “D” party from Kentucky offices) that the de facto ruling “R” party can’t fathom what to do next? Are Thayer, Stivers, and Osborne so frightened of their own caucus that this is a desperate “Hail Mary” attempt to cling to power? Regardless, removal from the caucus means that some unlucky legislator, who ran as a Republican and was elected by a substantial constituency of Kentucky voters – no doubt mostly Republican voters – would be treated forever forward as a non-Republican in all legislative affairs. If this is your district’s legally elected official, it will absolutely be an insult and a punch in your face by these shallow and arrogant fools who currently lead the Kentucky Republican Party. And regardless of whether this is imminent or hypothetical, the very act of even considering such a maneuver (much less show-casing it as their most urgent legislative priority of 2023) shows the party leadership neither respects you (the Republican voter) nor your democratic heritage of living in these United States of America. To sum up, the fact that this is even being brought up for legislative debate is a major insult to the people of the great Commonwealth of Kentucky.

All of this makes us wonder whether Kentucky’s Republican legislative leaders have lost their minds, lack sufficient clarity of reasoning, have bad political judgment, or simply have no intention of maintaining a Constitutional Republic here in Kentucky. Are they so petty and childish as to desperately fear any young Republican among the ranks might actually rise in political stature and ultimately succeed them? Do they think they are immortal and this will never happen? Do they have no understanding or respect for democracy as to allow for processes of debate and discussion to decide whether and what goes forward as legislation? Unfortunately, we have no choice but to ask these seemingly simplistic questions, because the party’s leaders are behaving so childishly, so non-democratically, and ultimately so fundamentally against the principles of our Republic. When the Republican Party leadership strives to remove the “Republic” from “Republican”, we are left with only the pathetic suffix “an,” which might stand for “almost nothing,” or worse “absolutely neutered.” In truth, the party desperately needs new leadership, before catastrophic self-destruction inevitably occurs.

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If the American Republic is to Survive and Flourish, Part 1 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/if-the-american-republic-is-to-survive-and-flourish-part-1/ Tue, 20 Dec 2022 01:13:58 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1054 by Patrick M. Peterson, Ph.D. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator...

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by Patrick M. Peterson, Ph.D.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Amen. Such simple principles were the basis for the Republic we claim to currently hold and defend. Yet even these most seemingly universal principles are currently not only under assault by existing governance, they are attacked as racist, hostile to the planet’s future, and ultimately unsustainable. Yet for most of us, these criticisms not only lack credibility, they are as fantastic and alien as claims that the sky is orange or that human values were programmed by a computer. Why the cognitive dissonance? What happened?

Sadly, the American republic today lies heavily wounded by the attacks of unnatural ideas and mass propaganda, corrupted by ignorance, evil, and fantasy. And for a chunk of the citizenry, all of this happened under our radar screen, a surprise clandestine trickery while we were busy enjoying ordinary life. Human nature is inherently weak, something acknowledged by all the written experiences since antiquity. These commentaries are almost a cliché, as they tend to be acknowledged to some degree by all sides of the political spectrum past and present. But this is a misleading, false impression, a deliberate disinformation exploited today in an age where information is so ubiquitous that falsehoods can be easily spread almost unnoticed, particularly if under the guise of mainstream “news.” The reality today is we have two dominant political parties – both flawed – but where one party expresses all the “normal” human failings of greed, submission to temptation, weakness of will, and lack of moral discernment (the Republican Party), the other party has severely devolved into fantasy, delusion, and moral decadence (the Democratic Party).

If you think this is mere hyperbole, you haven’t been paying attention to the fact that physical child mutilation has become an accepted norm in some US locations where, in the name of transgender (trans-humanist) ideology, children have undergone mutilative surgery to try to alter their innate biology. Thousands of years of agreed-to human history and moral tradition have acknowledged that children do not have the maturity to decide major life alterations on their own, yet today’s Democratic Party has abandoned reality in pursuit of policies and ideology promoting children to choose their own physical mutilation and/or other psychologically destructive lifestyle choices. The Democratic Party has for over two years now promoted the idea that cities can function without police; “defunding the police” was a rallying cry in the 2020 election cycle, whereby riots and looting were encouraged by Democrats as a form of social justice. This is just one example of the broader party’s embrace of fantasy and gaslighting as public policy. All to what end? We can only speculate, but since Democrats do not offer any credible explanation for the bizarre and irrational policies, we are necessarily forced to assume they either advocate fantasy as public policy or are aggressively engaged in disinformation as a form of psychological warfare. I ask again, all to what end? What would have been widely acknowledged as insane and evil a few short years ago has become almost mainstream. These are just a few of the painfully obvious elements of the debauchery of today’s Democratic Party. Therefore, we cannot go forward creating a newer and better Republican Party without first acknowledging the utter moral, physical, and intellectual degradation that has overtaken today’s Democratic Party.

Amidst the moral and intellectual bloodbath we find ourselves living within today, we have no choice but to re-evaluate all the governmental policies that affect our lives, mostly in adverse ways, because the typical governmental expenditures neither benefit us nor enrich our public lives in any substantial ways. When government itself is like a cancerous tumor that sucks our energy, efforts, and spirit away from life, family, and liberty, there can no longer be any sacred cows of public largesse. Political renewal is necessarily the result of and a harbinger of spiritual renewal. In Part 2, I will begin to discuss in more detail how we intend to rebuild state laws and policies to reflect our founding principles, and reverse and heal our current destructive direction.

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TAX FREEDOM https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/tax-freedom/ Tue, 20 Dec 2022 01:12:26 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1051 Introduction Any entity which can exercise control over our finances and our health, have at its disposal the means of absolute control over the individual...

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Any entity which can exercise control over our finances and our health, have at its disposal the means of absolute control over the individual and thus the society as a whole. We will leave the subject of our health for another time. Our intent in this article is to address the control exercised over us through the use of the tax laws.

Please remember, here at “Who’s That Candidate”, we view all of our topics through the foundational principle of individual liberty. This is the singular principle upon which our country was founded. All of the Civil Liberties which we enjoy and which our Constitution was written to safeguard, extend from this single core principle. While it is an important consideration, the first priority of “Who’s That Candidate”, when writing about solutions, is not to make things safe, our solutions focus on protecting the sacred principle of Individual Liberty.

Now, the title of this article is TAX Freedom and we would like to start by saying, The idea we are about to propose will sound very counterintuitive at first glance, but if you will take the time to think through what we propose, we believe you will understand the solution we propose.

First is, Corporations do not really pay taxes. And there is no way to get them to pay taxes without ultimately causing them to go out of business. Most Corporations, but not all, pay out most of their revenue in overhead, wages, bonuses, and shareholder dividends. Very little cash is left in an account as net profit. The money that is left in an “account” that can be taxed, is normally to be used for future capital expenditures. In other words, future building projects and business development. As hard as it seems for some people to understand, corporations are not individual persons that are getting rich. Now, we understand that this is an extremely simplistic treatment of the subject, but we contend that it is, on the whole, an accurate assessment of the general subject. All overhead in business is passed downstream and taxes are part of overhead. The only people that really and truly pay taxes are the workers (blue-collar, white-collar, and Executives), Shareholders, which pay income tax, and consumers in the form of sales tax. As we said before, there is no real way to get Corporations to actually pay taxes unless you can figure out a way to keep them from incorporating taxes into their cost of doing business. Good luck with that. So then the real question is, why do we tax them at all?

We also mentioned property taxes. We don’t really believe there is much that needs to be said on this subject. If you believe you own your property, stop paying taxes on it and see who really owns it. To say you really own something you must have absolute control over its possession. The government is in that position, not you. Property taxes leave the property owner in an extremely vulnerable, submissive, and coercible position, to the government. It is one thing to place your property in a position as collateral by choice and a completely different thing if it is being placed in a position of collateral for the purposes of coercion, by a government, to make you act in a manner it deems appropriate.

We said all of that to set up our idea that we are going to ask you to support. And it is this. We want you to support wiping out the complexity of our state income and property tax system and turning to a total end-user consumption tax system for the State of Kentucky. We also want you to advocate, through your vote, to exempt businesses from paying any and all taxes, including sales taxes when purchasing equipment or inventory for their businesses. So there will no longer be a section in the new code that allows a write-off for “entertainment” for golf and corporate “business trips” to the Bahamas. And for those businesses that are pass-through Corporations and Sole Proprietorships, it will greatly reduce the ability to hide personal income, because there will be no write-offs for anybody. There will be no write-offs period. Yet at the same time, it will give these individuals a higher income. They will now pay taxes based on their consumption choices. We believe history has shown that while there have been some abuses when Corporate tax levels have been reduced, they use the money for the purposes of business reinvestment. This has also historically caused new jobs to be created and wages to rise. And since we use tax liability reductions or tax exemption as a tool to attract new companies to our state already, our legislators already know that they don’t truly tax businesses. What it actually does do, when we give these exemptions, is increase the tax base through the above-mentioned actual taxpayers when new jobs are created.

Our state’s tax codes are a complicated mess. And everybody that wants to abuse it, needs it to be complicated. The more weeds there are, the easier it is to hide amongst them. The more complex the codes are, the more leverage politicians have for self-enrichment. Our tax codes and regulatory bodies “CREATE” the Lobbyists who enrich our “Representatives”. As a side note, in the near future, we will talk about regulatory bodies and how they are used to also enrich our government officials.

We recognize that making businesses tax-exempt is a radical departure from even most plans that deal with consumption, end-user, and sales tax plans. Most of the problems that arise in these plans are on the business tax end and are the predominant reason some call for a flat tax instead. Our approach eliminates these problems and greatly decreases the ability of politicians to manipulate the codes for personal gain. What it does do for us, is take a huge amount of government intrusion out of our lives. And it places the control of our taxes into our hands based on our consumption choices.

Last, for those who argue that it might not be revenue-neutral. And? I’m pretty sure we can all agree that if our state government will quit spending money on crap it shouldn’t be spending money on, we won’t need as much money. But that is only if we concede that it won’t be revenue-neutral. We do not concede this point at all. It is our belief that it will increase tax revenue while spreading the pain more equitably across everyone. We would really like to reduce the amount of money they have to work with, by getting rid of several of their programs.

Now we would like for you to honestly ask yourself how attractive Kentucky would be to companies if we simply do not tax them. Are we so desperate to make sure they are taxed, that we will cause ourselves to be less free from the government? There is no way you can prove businesses pay taxes right now. And for the few exceedingly rare instances such as Facebook and Microsoft, that have massive cash reserves which they can’t possibly spend on their businesses, is it worth the negatives that our present tax system brings into politics? When it comes to business, our tax code is just a massive money shuffle. Here at “Who’s That Candidate” we prefer freedom. Just think about it.

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Why I like Thomas Massie https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/why-i-like-thomas-massie/ Tue, 20 Dec 2022 01:11:02 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1048 By John J Thomas Massie considers himself an engineer and an entrepreneur; a man of God, country, and family. He has a neighborly demeanor and...

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By John J

Thomas Massie considers himself an engineer and an entrepreneur; a man of God, country, and family. He has a neighborly demeanor and a happy attitude. He’s a pragmatic, down-to-earth, “git ‘r done” kinda guy.

His views are as diverse as mine. The solar panels on his off-grid home generate all the electricity needed for both his house and a working 1,200-acre cattle farm. But he doesn’t support the climate change thing, considering it “pseudoscience” but he believes in smart stewardship of the earth. The log home that he built is from trees on his property and other materials sourced mostly from his county. His John Deere sits next to a Tesla electric car. You can see an award-winning video of his beautiful, unique, self-sustainable farm.

He’s not afraid of controversy and one Christmas posted a family photo on Twitter with every family member holding a firearm. I took notice of their trigger fingers and felt proud that every child was properly trained.
As an entrepreneur, Thomas and Rhonda, his high school sweetheart and wife of 28 years launched a technology company called SensAble Technologies in 1994. They both graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and have thus far collected 24 patents to interface humans and computers in products such as dental prosthetics and reconstructive implants for wounded soldiers. He’s a man of science and technology.

Thomas and Rhonda have four children. If children are evidence of positive parenting then consider that the eldest son is in the army and the other is attending MIT. In 2017 Massie took their youngest daughter, Sarah, to the While House Christmas Ball. Sarah showed her bravery by asking then-President Trump, “Can you make school lunches great again?” Who doesn’t love a charmingly-precocious kid?
Massie has served in the US House of Representatives since 2012. He represents Kentucky 4th Congressional District – that’s the northern border counties from Louisville, to Cincinnati to Ashland. Kentucky is an area that tends to vote Democrat in local elections but Republican in Federal elections. Kentucky, where people prefer independent thought and actions over loyalty to a party. As such, Massie has often broken from the party line. I like the fact that he entered congress with a net worth of $2 Million and is worth only slightly more than that today. He’s not getting rich on special interest groups or taxpayers.

Legislation bought forth by Massie has thus far centered on reforming higher education, terminating the Department of Education, and Protecting Women and Girls in Sports. He prefers committees that deal with science, space, technology, energy, and government reform.

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Ghosts in the Machine https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/ghosts-in-the-machine/ Tue, 20 Dec 2022 01:08:36 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1045 By John J The Army released a new recruitment video by the Ft. Bragg Psychological Operations Group. It is both disturbing and brilliant. If you...

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By John J

The Army released a new recruitment video by the Ft. Bragg Psychological Operations Group. It is both disturbing and brilliant. If you like psychological thriller movies, you’re gonna love it. Otherwise, you’ll come away confused; wondering what it was that you just watched.

The underlying message of the video inspires the viewer to join Army PSYOPS and to become the unseen ghost pulling the strings, of those who might threaten our national security.

The video starts by quoting Sun Tzu, and then with eerie background music, the viewer is moved from cartoons to 20th Century conflicts. Images show the evolution of the battlefield; from sword-wielding barbarians on horseback to rifled soldiers climbing out of tanks to a single finger scrolling on a tablet. The video claims, “You’ll find us working in the shadows.”

Remember the Ghost of Kyiv? He was a supposed Ukrainian fighter pilot who shot down several Russian planes. Overnight, the Ghost became an internet sensation, talked about on official Ukrainian social media accounts, and hailed as a symbol of Ukrainian resiliency as the country faced its mighty military foe. However, the pilot wasn’t real. Ukrainian Air Force officials admitted that the Ghost of Kyiv was a myth. Still, the Ghost of Kyiv has been one of the greatest boons in the Ukrainians’ fight. Psyops at its finest, by the Ukrainian government, intended to strengthen the resolve of the Ukrainian people. Social media and the internet allow for campaigns of disinformation and misinformation to be performed by agents anywhere in the world, on anyone in the world.

The video got me thinking about psyops and propaganda – are they not two sides of the same coin? They are both aimed at influencing values and beliefs, emotions, motives, and behavior. And they are sometimes combined with black operations or false flag tactics. Would our own government use such devices on the American people? I think you know the answer.

If there is one thing the past two years have shown us is that things are not always as they first appear. Our media talking heads are quick to recite a narrative. Our politicians seldom allow a disaster to go to waste. There may very well be ghosts in the American machine.

Protecting ourselves from propaganda and psyops is next to impossible. Keep your head up, your eyes open. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Question everything and be wary of those who don’t allow you to question them. Remember, there are ghosts in the machine, even right here at home.

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Why the need to Focus on Kentucky? https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/why-the-need-to-focus-on-kentucky/ Tue, 20 Dec 2022 01:07:02 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1042 by Barefoot RINO Hunter In 1781 the United States ratified the Constitution. Thirteen individual States are bound by a federal document. Then, to be a...

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by Barefoot RINO Hunter

In 1781 the United States ratified the Constitution. Thirteen individual States are bound by a federal document. Then, to be a state, was the equivalent of France or Great Britain. Yes, we were American, but we all identified with state pride. We were Kentuckians. This mentality stretched beyond the Civil War, and it helped to uphold the personal freedom of each citizen. With each passing year, more and more state and individual powers are stripped away. This creates overreach at the federal government. This is not what our founding fathers intended. To make the most change in our daily lives, we need to take back the power at our state level and place liberty-minded citizens in our state ranks. 

Our interaction with the state government is a daily occurrence. We elect officials who create and pass the guidelines on how the state should run. This affects entities such as the state IRS, schools, roadways, and emergency personnel. We pray that the principles these elected officials portrayed during the election process represent the way they will vote. In the Tenth Amendment of our Federal Constitution, “all powers not granted to the federal government are reserved for the states and the people.” The Constitution requires all states to uphold a representative form of government. We elect the officials to serve us and represent our needs and desires as a state. 

Therefore we need to hold our politicians to a high standard. In Kentucky, we recently have seen many career RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) become elected and stay in office until they have overstayed their welcome. They continually vote on issues, NOT representing the views of their Kentucky constituents. These RINOs vote to line the pockets of themselves or the organizations, that helped them pour propaganda on Kentuckians. We need to elect officials that will bring the changes that we need to see occur in Kentucky. We need to elect officials we trust. If we complete this goal, we will see changes trickle up the chain to affect the government at a federal level. Kentuckians, your voice will be heard. We need to overhaul our state and local governments with fellow citizens who hold Individual Liberty as their number 1 focus!

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What is a RINO? https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/what-is-a-rino/ Tue, 20 Dec 2022 01:05:38 +0000 https://news.whosthatcandidate.com/?p=1039 To me, a RINO can be characterized as a charlatan. One who is a visible hypocrite and wearing a label instead of living the party’s...

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To me, a RINO can be characterized as a charlatan. One who is a visible hypocrite and wearing a label instead of living the party’s values and convictions. An example would be a vegan stating they are one and you see them coming from McDonald’s eating a Big Mac.

Republicans in name only have betrayed the American people To the point where there is virtually no discernible difference between the so-called republicans and the most radical leftists in Congress. They repeatedly bow to the radical left’s commands and their fundamental transformation of the United States, defying their oath to the Constitution, our nation, and the American people while helping push America closer to outright socialism.

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